Dreaming of gleaming copper and soft sheepskin rugs you sink your feet into…

Spring is almost here and as the earth begins to warm and winter releases his icy embrace, I sip warm goat’s milk in a gleaming copper cup and sink my toes deeper into the luxury of a sheepskin rug… Source: Dreaming of gleaming copper and soft sheepskin rugs you sink your feet into...

Dreaming of gleaming copper and soft sheepskin rugs you sink your feet into…

Spring is almost here and as the earth begins to warm and winter releases his icy embrace, I sip warm goat’s milk in a gleaming copper cup and sink my toes deeper into the luxury of a sheepskin rug. In the last few months, I have discovered the pleasure and the benefit of drinking water … Continue reading Dreaming of gleaming copper and soft sheepskin rugs you sink your feet into…